In the middle of nowhere..


I hate your stinkin' guts,
I love your stinkin' face. 

Not enough,
A bit too much.
You're everything,
But not enough.

A dream ago,
A bit late,
A bit too soon.
Sometimes its just not meant to make sense.

You're everything,
My everything,
Yet never enough...

It's as if life is stuck in reverse,
Where the reverse logic prevails,
And common sense is fleeting.
The easy,
Simple facts,
Simple truths,
are what isn't reality,
yet the complete most asinine ideas,
Are what prevails.

At least consistency prevails,
When insanity rests,
When the illogical
fades into the the background.

At the end of the day,
Your life is only dictated by you.
Your choices,
Your truths. 
Hopefully your goal is to find them.
Live in them.
Find people who welcome you,
the way you can welcome them. 

I've been stuck in this before. 
A never ending cycle of inconsistency's and partial desires,
The type of commitments that were typically half ass efforts,
Or mismatched energies.

Never again.
Not again.. 

It took me taking back my energy.
Owning my core self.
Realizing that life isn't meant to be this way.
It's not hard to choose the best for yourself.
Take the route for what could bring you happiness the longest.
Don't nerf yourself by overlooking blaring red flags,
Only for them to come back and bite you in the ass after you've invested. 

I finally became sick of matching other peoples energy.
Sinking to their level,
and never truly allowing my own grow.
I became obsesses with everyone else light but my own.
I the end 



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