Limit Testing.

When is enough, enough?
When does your view point change?
When does the perception of someone diminish?
Why with so such a strong connection,
With us getting closer and closer,
You still revert, or move backwards?
Why is this even a thing?
No matter how many times I thought we've moved passed this,
It keeps coming back.
It's not even me,
That's something I've learned throughout all of this,
It's everything to do with your head and heart not matching.
You wanting to experience all of life,
Just not stay committed to anything.
It's as if you have your hand in everything,
All bc you can't choose.

You see?
I've learned how to love unconditionally.
Learned to be grateful for all of the things,
From great to small.
To see all of what you do,
Learned how to view all of your efforts,
To love you for your strengths,
and even your weaknesses. 
I know you better than anyone alive.
You as a person.

I want you to live your life,
To walk your journey,
Be and do you.
I've never met someone with the strength you have,
Yet you invite so much unnecessary pain into your life. 
Just remember that your uncertainty,
Yet certainty in other breaths,
effects a person.
It hurts,
Well it has,
and still does..
It has gotten old. 
You already know what was there,
and still is.
Close the fucking door already. 

I know your indecision comes from a place of discovery.
A place that isn't personal to me, 
Just where you're at.
And with your ability to feel as deeply as you do,
You have a hard time moving forward.
To making a decision,
Then sticking with it. 
Which is why I've been able to work with it,
and with your honesty,
Been able to still swallow it.
Even during the hardest of parts.

Yet somehow,
Even with the repeated steps forward then back,
I've been able to find a sense of confidence.
Call it learned by experience.
But what we have isn't easily replaceable.
It's what most people have, maybe once in their lives.  
For we truly have it all.

I can still skip a breath when I think back to our moments shared. 
To our nights spent together,
Doing the very many different things we do. 
Life wont ever be dull with us.
I love it. 

I'm still limit testing here,
I don't know where to draw the line,
Or if I even should.
Lines between us have never stood well.
So can enough ever be enough?
I already know that I could love you through anything,
But should I?
Do I even want to?
Do you even want me to?
I can answer that question as a yes.
I think you do too.
Someone who has stood my you through everything,
Loved you through anything.
There's a greatness there.


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