A helping hand..

An open hand,

in a time of need.

I wont let you drown,

even when you try.

We have it in us to be great.

The meaning of an epic journey,

The heart of a thousand words,

The heart of a grand symphony.

No, I wont let you drown.

It's been one hell of go huh?

Pain, heartbreak, earthly ailments, loss with many of tears.

Just know:

You're not a lone here,

You have people around you.

And if you happen to be alone,

There's people all over the world who's felt what you are now,

that makes you a legion.

I wont sit around an let you drown.

Life is to short,

Remember you last favorite memory,

Imagine it, relieve it.

Now picture this:

Something 1000x's the joy,

a million times happiness. 

That is what you have yet to experience.

When you feel like you're drowning,

Take a walk.

Run for no reason,

stop and catch your breath.

Find your happy place, a place no one can infiltrate.

Find it, hold it

bask in it's peace.

No, I wont let you drown,

I wont let you keep yourself down.

I've been there before, no, you wont be alone.

Hate me now,

but smile tomorrow. 

Happiness is always around the corner.

Though miles of dark tunnels you may feel stuck in,

A light will never be far away.

Try giving a smile to someone you don't know,

Give a hello in passing,

A wave for nothing else other than allowing yourself feel.

It always starts with the willingness to open up again,

The effort to talk about your pain,

or to just write about it,

just try.

Let it out,

and be.

To the tomorrows that will come, and the yesterdays that are to be forgotten.

You can do this my friend. 

Let someone offer you a helping hand,

as I promise you that person has gone through their own pain,

and probably needs this just as much as you.

SO as a new day comes,

put one step forward, then a new step after that one.

One at a time, bit by bit.

You've got this.

Just bit by bit.

Step by step..


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