Blood Buzz.

Head to toe,
Face to mirror,
Mirror to face.

The mind, my mind trembles.
Can it be?
Can I be?

Head to toe,
Mind to heart...

All I want,
What do I want?
What does that even mean?

So I close my eyes and dream.
My mind opens up,
TO memories passed,
Fleeting thoughts found.
All I want.

All I want,
That hope to have.
To feel that again,
That buzz,
That high,
That hope.
Some day.

All I want.
That sincerity,
That freshness,
The smile,
That smile,
The look,
That look.
The one that says it all,
The very meaning,
hidden, yet not hidden.

I haven't thought it,
Or believed it.
Could it be?
Could it happen?
In the heart of hearts.

I envision,
the day,
that day.
When I wake,
turn my head,
and just smile.
It was real,
It is real.
You were there all along,
buried into my soul,
Into my heart.

All I want.
Is to feel whole again, that way.
Without any doubts,
without any shame,
or reminders..

All I want.
Is that buzz again.
That look in your eyes,
the touch of your skin.

my home will be in your arms.
The boy will say to the girl,
The girl will say to the boy,
An ending to a life long story,
to the beginning of a new.

We will lay in grass,
looking up at the blue sky,
with the sun on our skin,
and the breeze brushing our faces.

As we share that moment again,
we will have the littles crawling on us.
We'll be content yet never settling.
Always aiming for a better life,
a better relationship,
a better Us.
Yet we know,
at the end... All that matters is, us.

So stripped.
Head to toe,
Face to mirror
The mirror looking back.
The vulnerable mind,
willing to go there again.
Can I?
I believe I can.
 That someday,
I will no longer feel buried,
no longer worry about being vulnerable.

I will find that love.
Find that meaning.


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