A familiar Enemy

A head full of doubt,
A darkness full of light,
Seeing a little,
when seeing nothing.
Heaven and hell,
the contrast between,
the comparisons of...

How can this feel so great,
yet be so wrong.
Lost in the clarity,
remembering to forget..

Life doesn't make sense,
and myself?
Well I'm a walking contradiction,
equated my none.

I once thought I could handle anything,
now I know I can break..

How one so strong,
became so weak,
so brittle,
to fall,
to break...
to rise again,
to stand supreme,
to become,
a better version of you.

I once thought I knew so much,
yet how little I knew.

A work in progress,
or to progress towards nothing?

A lost way,
became a discovered passion.

The silver lining in all,
A glass half empty to become full.
Take little,
Make it more.

As much as life want's you to quit,
Never give up,
never give in,
or at least make it worth it.

Let the experience of it all mean something,
Try something new,
Break the rules at least once.

Learn to own your shadow.
Own your existence,
Own your choice.

I'm so tired of this shit.
Life is to short to worry.
Truly.. does that really matter?
How much of it actually does?
You'll learn that the more you step back and think,
The more you'll you'll realize it doesn't.
You are only truly responsible for yourself,
and your offspring.

So it's me and my daughter.
Yet personally, I believe that apart of a fulfilled life is to care.
Just don't let it control you.
Know when to let go,
when to move on.
Stop holding on to meaningless pursuits,
or relationships that only hurt and drag you down.

Do me a favor,
help yourself.
Only you can take care of you.
Do it.
They can wait.. Take care of you!
You're not being selfish,
You're empowering yourself!

Enough of this rant.
In closing.
hopefully this storm of thoughts swirling in my brain
meant something,
hopefully they have.

In closing I want to end with this:
Love to Love.
Love to fulfill.
Love her,
Love him,
Love them,
Love you!

Take care of #1,
the rest will only gain more from a healthier you.


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