With a heart so full.

A little piece before I rest my head,
A little snap shot into my heart.
I started writing 5 different things tonight,
only 2 finished, but this will be the only thing I share at this moment.

I've been numb for quite sometime.
I've been hurt too no avail,
twisted and dark,
and oh how that pain left it's dark mark.
I'll say that for a time, I even catered to it.
I'm not ashamed.
For I'll bring that pain with me  everywhere I go,
and never forget.
For now I can say,
empathy rules my life,
and I can feel,
and these feelings are better than they ever have been.

You see,
That now is the first time in quite sometime,
I can sleep peacefully at night.
That my heart can feel again,
That not only can I be me again,
but a better version thereof.

I still struggle,
as does everyone.
Somethings will be with me till the last,
but I can feel again,
and I can cope.
I've relearned how to live,
And living I will do to the fullest.

For my heart is full,
and my mind is at peace.
For I will go to sleep tonight,
and wake up with clear idea of the next steps I will be taking,
and a continued zeal to do them all.

I can empathize with the demon,
while understanding the angle.
For they both live inside of me,
and it doesn't change me.

Let's put it this way:
I can dance with the devil,
and fly with the spirit.
I am a bi-product of a 1000 things gone wrong,
and only a few gone right.
Yet I'm empowered by the 1000,
as I am grounded by the few right.

I'm not ashamed of my past,
Nor am I disheartened with what I've done.
For I am me.
100% imperfect,
but 100% imperfectly perfect.
My very own brand,
And this brand is wonderful.

I'm not afraid of the future,
bc it always works out,
and I will make it better than it's ever been.

I will no longer allow myself to listen to the words that have aimed to shred and maim me,
As they wont take dominion over me, unless I let them.
I will soar passed those warmongers and toxic influencers that have sought to bring me down,
and be me, only better than.

There are no excuses for how I've acted at times,
But there is a solution,
and that is what rests in the peacefulness, that the clarity and acceptance of oneself,
Will provide the fuel to any type of evolution you may desire.

So in this moment,
during the 30 minutes or so it took me to write this.
I can say that I wont ever dare to claim perfection,
But I will claim to be perfectly imperfect,
and by hell I'm happy with that perfectly imperfect person I claim as myself.

So goodnight,
and sleep-tight.
May your dreams be as good as mine.


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