To the Place I go.

A place I only go,
The place I only feel.
Where my mind rests,
Where I feel whole,
Feel loved.

Where I can rest,
Fill fulfilled,
Back to the place where it started..

The smell of freshly cut grass,
Or that summer southern breeze..
A light afternoon rain shower.

Peace and hope.
Two words I want more than anything else. 

Take me to that southern barbecue,
To the week long camp ground.
That Thai restaurant we'd always go,
To Wednesday night choir practices,
Summer swim meets,
Pep rallies and home foot ball games.

Things have grown complicated, yet it's still simple,
Back to that place...

Holding Ivy in my arms,
Those first moments she took breaths,
she looked up at me the whole time,
I was just some blog of light,
but I'll never forget it.


At the end of the day,
I close my eyes and give my thanks to be alive.
It's been a long road,
It hasn't been easy.
Even with the hard days,
I can still be grateful. 
I am still me,
I am still trying,
Still fighting.


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