This one's like..

The thoughts of dreams laid bare.
Hopes and feelings made manifest.
To each and every moment,
wrapped in a tiny bow.
A memory to hold onto,
and a feeling to remind you.

Oh, you're still alive,
and you still have a home.

A picture frame with no picture in it.
No position can merit it,
No point of view can see it,
a still-frame can't capture it.

Staying in touch with reality,
while still living in your dream world.
An impossible nightmare,
I'd rather not wait for.

Where does the lying separate from the truth?
I've been there once before,
and I won't go back.

Staying two steps ahead,
but always behind.
An oxymoron,
but sums up my life.

Finding the swirling color,
and realizing that black and white would have worked better.

Contradicting sentences,
make more sense than the thoughts of my head.
Yet it does make sense,
give me more time...

Everyday I struggle with,
the concept that life still goes on,
when for so many people,
they can't.

It'll still destroy you,
Don't let it fool you.
No justification will change that.

Still, I long for the normalcy life can bring.
Maybe it's in the arms of a women,
but I know it lies in the comfort of my own mind.
Just need to keep on sorting out the shit from the gems.

A picture perfect ending,
for a not so typical person.
Why can't I feel like I fit in anywhere?
Maybe someday.

Staying with you,
Standing before you.
It seemed so easy before.
Did you change?
I definitely changed.

This one's like the river moving,
No rhyme, just rhythm.
Remember that feeling?

This one's like that time,
That ball took the 1 in a million chance to hit me,
and in the head it did.
It was nighttime and me, nowhere in site.
The best part is, I called it.

This one's like the time when I,
Saw that monkey swinging,
and to it's doom it went,
Dinner it became
as it had been days.

The rarity's life offers.
It's just those chances made,
when nothing else can explain it,
Yet you saw it.

This one's like that glow of a single mother,
with her child, alone just the two of them.
Playing a game of chess.
Rarely would you see her light up,
more than the way she does when she looks at him.

This one's like the beauty of her,
Reading a good book,
No words,
just expressions made and eyes a glow.

It's just those chances made,
when nothing else can explain it.
Yet you saw it.

This one's like simple beauty's that only you were able to see.
The simplistic moments with the most meaning.
Or the nonsense's that doesn't seem real, yet it happened.


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