Honestly, an apology - to someone who knows..

Well honesty is a funny thing.

Sometimes you can be dishonest without meaning to be.
Many times you thought you knew the whole truth,
only to find out you didn't.
So you beat up on yourself for the dishonesty you portrayed.

Sorry, I thought...
Well thinking is good,
But it's not always right.
Just do.
Do your best,
and be honest, as honest as you know how to be.

Everyone has a different version of what 100% honest means.
As people, we can be so misguided,
that leads you do blindness,
which blindness can lead to dishonesty..

I tend to be misguided at times.
Sometimes I just don't see,
what's clearly in front of me.
Sometimes I feel like I've been honest,
well I strive to be an honest person,
yet come to find, that I've been miss-leading...

So, I want to apologize,
to those I might have mislead.
It wasn't ever my desire to be misleading..

Recently I've found myself,
believing a situation to be true,
Only to realize... I had half of the truth.
The other half of the truth was dependent upon someone,
someone I hardly ever want to talk to.
I was mislead,
and thus I miss lead others...

I believe that those who care about you,
can realize who you are,
and see through to your heart.
They see you for the person you truly are.
And they will be patient with you,
and actually help you discover your blind spots.

Stepping into the light of a mistake,
is never easy to stand in.
So, I move through it,
and rectify the wrong.

So to you I say,
I'm sorry.
Thanks for meaning enough to me,
That I was able to realize,
this blind spot of mine.


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