
Things may come,
and things may go. 
Some things last, while other don't.
Even with the lack of certainty's,
People can still come into your life and amaze you. 

If you've lost hope that life will get better, 
Find it again.
Take however long is needed, 
but try to open up again. 

Remember that you deserve greatness. 
That you can't control others actions, 
but you can control your own.

Be magnificent. 
Be true to yourself.

Let someone new, 
rock your world.
Let that person show you that:
happiness is well deserved,
That the potential for love is not lost! 
Whether it works out or not,
At least it happened. 

Cling to the positive.
Don't let the negative override growth. 
remember that all things take time,
especially relationships.

Feel the warmth of Elation, 
fill your heart. 
Know that you're not broken. 
Bask in the light of feeling. 
That you're no longer a void of emptiness. 

So when all things are said, 
and the new day has begun,

I just want to say...
Thank you. 


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