Understand, you're not alone with this.

If today is the worst it's gets,
take comfort in the fact,
that as you close yours eyes,
tomorrow is a new day.

Be true.

If pain surrounds you in darkness,
If the realism of hurt,
fills the crevices of your person,
reach out.
Take the help from those with an out stretched hand.
The moon and sun is always there.

Grip your hands,
Then open each palm slowly now,
and slowly release...

Resist the urge to yell,
Resist the urge to be mean,
Be kind.
Be loving.

Be resolute.

Never allow yourself to think,
that no one understands what you're going though.
You are wrong.
Everyone has felt pain.
be accepting that there's other's that know.
There is always someone else who understand's your specific brand of hurt.

Be gracious.

Smile when you can.
Share it.
Let that smile,
pick others up.

Be forthright.
Share your true feelings.
Feel the pain for a day,
but let it go, come the morrow.

Be Honest.

Light will come.
It might come in increments.
But it will come.

Remember those times when instead of quitting,
You pressed continue.
Check your blind spots.
Look to love,
and never forget,
it's still there.

Take a bow,
and understand that you've done your best.


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