Us Against the World - "A Valentine story."

I remember clearly,
the first valentines day,
You and I spent together. 

The ride to Provo, 
Flower in hand, a hand written card, and a night planned. 
Formal clothes, for a casual occasion. 

We got Cheesesteaks, then drove up to the peak.
Ate them in the car, as we talked about anything and everything. 
Little did I truly know.. just how much our lives would come together.
That night, was the first time,  I first told you…  that I loved you. 
I chose you. 
From that day to forever
I knew, We would turn us, into Eternity
Little did I know that our journey together, 
would take us from from Utah, to Colorado. 
There, I would propose. 
There, I took you to a mountain's peak. 
Got on one knee,
and… Put a ring on it. 
With tears in our eyes, you said YES! 

From nights full of tears, to the pushing back of our original date.
To me blindly following a foolish company,
From a night spent in jail, to you, always with me. 
Many would have ran, yet, you stayed by me.. through it all. 

From cockroach infested apartments, to overnight journey's from Colorado to Utah and back.
Rather we had flat tires in the early hours of day; in the middle of the desert, or to those many snow storms that seemed to follow us everywhere. 
We fought against the world, and won that round, as we always will and have

To a Christmas spent in Saint George that moved to Logan.
Rather at family reunions, or to the nights spent together watching our favorite shows. 
From snowed-in days, to hours of catan.
We created memories galore.

All along our memories have floated upon the musical lines of lyrics. 
From Wilco to Imagine Dragons. 
Or from the lyrical genius of Bon Iver, to Lupe Fiasco. 
Through the tides of lyrical movements..
Our life has moved on.

We had our second Valentines day.
I only got you a card… You got me tickets to a show! 
Yet, we had each other and pizza. 
We knew then, that our next Valentines day would be after our date….

From the 14th to the 11th. The date couldn't come fast enough. 
From the time I saw you in white to the date we were sealed. 
Our day came with the coming in of family from all over the country. 
It was a whirlwind of chaos, yet it all came together. 
As it has always done.

From the 11th through the summer of trials, we got to better know each other. 
Amongst many many things, I have learned that you have an endless fascination to that of popping zits. 
While I have an endless amusement with the art of making you jump. 
Scaring you has become a favorite past time. 
In this short time together - we have overcome all obstacles,
and grown closer together. 

From our First Valentines day together, 
and everything from then to now.
We are having our 3rd Valentines day as a couple, 
yet our first day as husband and wife. 

My love... Our days have only get better. 
Our time together, is never long enough. 
You are never out of my mind. 
Though I'm not the best at showing it, 
I truly consider you in everything I do. 
Your opinion is the most important to me. 
You're the only person I truly want to impress. 
For you're my better half, my best friend, and confidant. 

Thank-you for all you do have done for me. 
And for that deep love you have for me. 
I will spend the rest of my life, earning up to that commitment we've made to one another. 
Thank-you for trusting me,
and for believing in me. 

I love you, now and forever.
For it's Us against the World. 
And as God is by our-side, we will win Every time.

Love you sweetheart,
Happy Valentines Day. 


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