
Life is never perfect. 
I wake up more tired than when I went to bed. 
My mind never ceases to stop thinking. 
My body is always restless. 
I get angry over the littlest of things. 
Yet, inside, I'm not really angry. 
Sometimes I've had enough, 
Many times, I cant get enough. 
I think I'm satisfied, to only want more. 

I wonder, when will I wont want any more. 
My life is in the best place it's been in a very long time. 
I have a great partner, and spouse. 
We're happy. 

Our problems, are only inconveniences, or petty disagreements. 
But "marriage" and the idea of forever sharing my living space with another... has taken a lot of time for me to get used to. 
It's different, and now life is different. 
No matter how much I've wanted to stay the same, 
I can't. 

Sometimes, I fight against the reality of it all. 
The whole "bachelor" mentality has taken sometime to get over. 
Doing what I want to do, helped me to decide to marry Annelise,
Which was the best decision of my life, 
Yet what's funny about the idea of "doing what I want to do" is that, 
I can no longer do entirely what I want to do now.
My choices now, must be decided upon what matters to two people,
instead of what I selfishly would want to do for myself.

Knowing who I am,
changes with what makes me happy, yet it's guided by my fundamental beliefs.
Ultimately, knowing that I am not alone, in my walk of life,
centers me, and gives me purpose.
Knowing that I have an eternal partner who loves me, and cares for me,
gives me a sense of strength and an added zeal to my desire to make the right decisions.
Morally guided, by my faith gives me the goal of where I want to be, and who I want be.
I have a sense of who I am, based on what things I have done, and what matters the most to me.

As I move forward this new Year,
I want to be more.
I don't want to settle for mediocrity.
I want the pens of life to write about Shaun Arenas in ways not yet written.
My actions will forge a new road in my life,
I will get back on the route I need to finish. (School)
And I will begin the end of what I need to do, so that my future,
will be what I want it to be.
I will overcome old habits.
And change.
Change in the best sense.

The steps I will make and are making will set me on a course of greatness.
The greatness found in doing what I know my Father in Heaven will want of me to do.

Inspiration attained.
Goals set.
Events yet to unfold.
Divine purpose.. ever reminding.

Happy New Year.


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