Sun Setting.

So, the start from the finish.
Visible to some,
invisible by many.
The road in between windy, bumpy,
and liable to change.

Though you have your heart set upon a viable conclusion,
reality will strip it.

Crashing down,
it came
The liability,
earth shattering.

The illusion of progressing,
ever pressing.
Moving forward, only to find..
you went no where.
A visible illusion…

Yet along the way,
you find,
the right path and paths, they
become more visible.
You say a quick prayer,
ever tuning,
ever ready.
that the visible illusion,
is now a viable reality.

The sun went down,
your knees are scraped.
Moving forward,

Now, having reached the goal,
it's time to do it again.
Again and again,
until our time is up.
and we've come home.


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