
Showing posts from February, 2012

Denoting to this Present Epoch...

Denoting to this Present Epoch.. an unfolding life. the life of an infant born. the externalities to all those involved. the new life - a simplistic grandeur. how could something so little, (just like a passing thought) grow into something so grand? (watching it all from the beginning...) how this under matured life, was forced into maturity and forced to grow; impaled upon the consequences contrived by the actions of those most beloved by him.. it was those events of his life, that led him down the roads less traveled, and become whole. the life she lived - though marked by undeserved pain, elevated her to a paragonic-state. through the many tears shed, she still fought the fight, stood strong. a light she became - a paragon to those around her.. (her tears never went unnoticed by him that loves her most..) two walks of life transversed; they met, then became one. the life mentioned, in fact, started at the introduction of one another. to that very moment - a door opened, while other...

Paradise is at your door.

Paradise, that word, the thoughts entailed. you know the feeling - it's a place, it's... a dream, a venture, a romance, Beauty, Serenity... The place you go to escape, the place you love - it's the feeling you have,, and that feeling of freedom... Paradise - Paradise is at your door: Sweet glades of green, meadows with trees, Rolling mountains, The place away, away from it all... It's the place where your heart can heal, The place where you... where you leave it all behind you.. Paradise - Paradise is at your door: Golden Beaches, the Sun on your skin, The Ocean... Do you feel small as you peer into it's vastness? Finding you, the one of my life, the one I want to be with... and love. Completeness, how could it happen so fast? It's just right. Paradise - Paradise is at your door, Her cares, Her Love, and oh those Eyes, man that smile, and that laugh. How we accelerate one another. Finding that place together, in each others arm. I don't remember being happie...

Can you look yourself in the eyes?

Can you look yourself in the eyes? At the end of the night, Your mind is on the edge of quick thinking, and blurred rationalizations.. "Oh I'm in for it tomorrow..." The memories of experiences past - Night drives through the city, All night - to find yourself on someone's floor, Passing out, and far from home,, To think - your sober... Winding roads lead you to diverse locations, Finding yourself on the edge if reality, That the people around you, Are all that matters. Those you chose and they chose to stick by you. But At the end of the road, You finally realize that it was all... a waste.. With Eyes wide open you started, Knowing well what you were and are getting yourself into. You realize that you're not perfect, and Hoping you're okay with it. There's some thing's you need to change, But rest you need to live with... Life is one hell of a messed up place, Accepting the fact, Then just being happy through it all.  Many times you create a false sen...

How I wish you were here!!!

How I wish you here It's Interesting to think and Interesting to feel, That once you've found that person, Your life takes off in a ways unimaginable. Your life takes a new turn, And you see things in ways you couldn't believe. You can see her 5 times a week and the two days you don't, You miss her as if it's been weeks. And you wish she was here.. Funny that it took, So many experiences, Till I was brought to this point. The point of blissful joy. And... Contentment... Happy with every second, And Joy to the very minute.  Then you can see her every minute, Of everyday. Personal time, Becomes our time. My thoughts, Become our thoughts. Wanting to do, Becomes "what do we want to do." How I still wish you were here now.. You care more for her needs, Then your own. You live to see her smile, You die inside as she frowns... Love.. A word you've been terrified of, Since it died inside of you that time ago... Now you can't help it, For you do now, And it...