Racing minds.

Like a man on fire- my mind burns.
There's little devils keeping me up,
While my body screams sleep!

I'm restless - to much to do.
So little time.
I'll learn to sleep.
Eventually my body will give in.

I think of tomorrow -
Hope that some day I will get to rest.
Grateful for the time I've had -
For I've given it my all.
Magic is happening.

Wonders - to behold.
Experiences - made only for me.
Someday God will bless me,
The same as so many has.

For someday the day will come.
But for now I'm here -
Carving a future.
My weary mind -
Wanders and stirres.

As a man -
I will do.
I will Prepare for them.
As I've prepared for her.

I'll live to fight.
Fight to grow -
Grow to become.

For the person I am.
Is dedicated to grow.
To be better - and to grow.

Someday she will come..
As someday I will know...
Someday as I think - the world will stop.
The world will be mine - for it is what I make it.
Every day this weary mind prepares.
And strives to make it.

I will go.
For I will do.
This I will do.
For doing is who I am.
I will see you.
I have that hope.


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