Come and do

Come and do -

"Come thou fount of every blessing"

Blessings come after the trial of your faith, and faith precedes the miracle.
Get off of your butt and turn on the light,
Then have faith it will turn on.

Chose faith over the unseen,
The faith of one - supersedes the motions of 1000s,
if the motions lacks the faith and conviction of the actions.

The acts of doing, sits in the lap of faith.
Without one, there cannot be another.
Believing that something is, will stop, if one cannot do.
Believing is the forerunner of faith.

Knowledge is the enemy of faith, if not tied with humility.
To stay close to the faith, perspective is necessary.

To see the love and devotion of one who believes,
Then walks in faith,  knowing, and not seeing is the key of unlocking,
The secrets faith brings to light.

Accept that life is hard.
It's different for all walks of life,
No two people are the same.
To be happier than most,
One must accept this.

Ride on the tides of faith,
It's our purpose in this life,
We can't see our makers throne,
Nor can our eyes see his face;
But we can believe, then have faith, 
and then will the lord bless us with the knowledge he is there.

Live by these words,
Seek understanding and the foresight necessary,
Do these things,
And the light from above,
Will shine in your life,
And you will find the peace,
Only sent from above.


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