To be lifted up.

I don't get why you don't see,
the way the world is as you sleep,
the colors are brighter than you think,
the world is yours for you to take,
just give it a chance to take off.

I can't understand why you cant see,
the way that I see you, and you see me.
Just please understand I'm the one,
who wants you to succeed.

You may feel empty,
you may be afraid,
so am I.
It's a scary world,
I wish things could be better,
I wish it didn't hurt the way it has..

Insecurities make it hard,
un-healed hearts prevents feeling.
The fears from passed tragedies,
and hardships of old are nearly unbearable.

Find strength in pain,
find hope in those who believe in you,
realize that you're not alone,
and that you're loved.

Realize how you can move on,
and that all arrows point to a new world.
Don;t give up,
wake up in a new world,
where hope shines a new,
and the world is brighter.


  1. I can really identify with this one now. Used it in a painting.


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