Tell Me.

Its quite simple really,
like one two three.
A boy loves a girl,
The Girl Loves the boy.

The look in their eyes,
the hope in their hearts.
If you have something,
Don't pretend its not there.

I Don't live in riddles,
I think in twos, and threes.
Those divisible by each other,
makes sense in my head.

I don't like cliff hangers,
not when it comes to love.
My head's up in the air,
bring it down.

There may be water under the bridge,
But tell me as I have you.
I like you,
You like me,
Lets do it.

I'm not asking for much,
Just the truth,
don't get jealous of others,
if you can't do something about it.

If you could just tell me,
"I'm yours, be mine"
Okay, it's simple.
"Yes, I'm yours."

I'm done with the games,
and the riddles,
the hidden motives,
I know you,
You know me better than most.
If you want it, awesome, cool.
I want you too, I'll be yours forever.

If not,
I'll be okay with only the prospect of friendship between us.
That is an acceptable and happy alternative as well,
but don't expect much else.

the time is now.
Not to be demanding,
I just can't sit in the middle any longer.


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