To you, my new year.

I've already decided,
that this year will be more complete,
shine much brighter,
Be more than 2010 could have ever been.

Last year, burnt a hole in my heart,
Taught me how to love,
the meaning of that word,
That life isn't something to toy with,
that you will be burned if you don't set your mind against it,
That even after your best effort you can still fail.
It has taught me how to become more,
to stretch to the very limits of what you thought you could be,
and come out higher than you could have ever.
2010 was a year of hardships and trials with the rewards at the end.
I see life differently,
I see depth,
I see colors in things that were once gray.
Music has a new meaning,
words aren't just words, but portraits of the heart mixed with a tune that fabricates life.

To you 2011,
I will make you the most it could ever be.
There might be bags under my eyes,
I might grow several grey hairs,
but I'm not stopping till I accomplish what I know I can.

2011 you are mine,
I will hold you oh so dear.
You wont own me like 2010 did.

This is for certain,
the beauty I saw in 2010 is but a shade of whats to come.

I don't doubt that you will still be hard on me,
But I'm a bit more prepared.

To that I will close.
You and I will become much much more.


  1. amen.
    love you shaun.
    ps...did you see your video peeing in a corner to ring in the new year?? haha!!


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