A tribute to my brother and his bride.

I don't normally write about this topic,
for it scares me, and I don't like the idea of vulnerability...

Here's a toast to those in love.
A story rarely spoken by my lips,
Is a story based around love,
It's rare and far between.

But here's to those who've found it,
Although things tense up,
and maybe can't square away all the time,
yall have found the secret.

To that I offer my glass.
The secret is that look in yalls eyes.
The unconquerable fire burning through the eyes,
made from yalls souls buried deep within yalls hearts.

Here's a toast to those who are willing
to take that chance,
Not knowing what the future holds and
Not even caring.
Something calculated measures can't calculate,
a chance that couldn't be be greater.
but you two, you two have each other.

Tis is all that matters.
Never stop dancing,
never forget that fire,
find ways to keep it alive and ever burning.

Stay true to each other,
here's to you two,
the bride and the groom.
My younger brother, and my beautiful new sister.

... A story rarely written, is a story worth fighting for.
Maybe two is better than one, and just maybe there is hope in love.

For this writer, I'm writing my own story as we speak.
Whatever lies in my path, I'll let God decide it's outcome...

I'll just do my best through it all.


  1. I like those thoughts! Wish someday your brother will be driving a car too for you soon ^^. There is always hope in love! You'll someday feel the magic together and last forever.


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