From the Inside

"It looks better from in here" I dared to say

One would have thought a life worth living, would be easy enough.
A Path you thought would make sense the minute you started,
twists and turns like the others.

One thought that people around you were real and someone worth while.
Well The one is, every minute of every day I fall more and more for her, yet other(s) fake and full of malicious intents.
Mask's of Gold torn off with fiery under tones.

Its a sad day when you thought one person, someone completely different.
Then with a blink of an eye attacks you to the person you love.

But at the end of the day you can move forward, having been hit all the more clearly with your weaknesses, with a humble heart ready and set to change and to grow. With this you are Better aware that certain people can not be trusted; while some (the one) is worth fighting for, while the others are better off to be cut out... Most are the liars with the jealous under scores, set on bringing you down to their levels.

From the inside true colors are brought out the several dark with Grey lining, added under a mass of blurs and hazed jading of the actual figures. Yet, amongst this haze dark coloring is the shade one that shines truer than the rest, it is your own. Set on shining bright, clean and true. It takes shape to its own destiny, not settling for walking but will set on flying. Don't mind the bite marks and the scratches, those came from a long the way...

From the outside You are noticeable and bright, but what matters most is what people see from the inside. As you know you are clean and true. There you lay, there you know; Let the evil ones twine webs that will tangle and choke themselves. But you wont be touched nor will you get distracted.

From the inside you are pure and untouched by the deceits of others. There you know, you will succeed for no one will deter you from you goal, from that aspiration.

You are set on bringing that one with you, chose to fly or be left behind. I am set on flying and taking you with me.

From the inside you were set free.


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