Words I cant say, for it is to much...

My feelings for you are for real….

I love you, that’s all I can say and explain

It came as a whirlwind, faster than both of us thought could happen

Before I knew it I was caught up in a Love Story… with me as the main character,

And you, my dream, my queen….

I couldn’t have asked for a better story really Sara…

Our story started the fifteenth of February in the year two thousand and ten.

On a friends’ Face Book page you found me,

Then I remember the first message that came to me (It was during a very hard, low point of my life)

You picked me up that day and flew into my life, little did we know that I would be picking you up while you were sick a week later from that date…

That night I called, we bonded, then the magic started.

You made me a CD on a vinyl, full of songs, and deep thoughts from your heart… (if love was a poison I’ll drink it up…)

You wanted me to know you, in a deep and sensual way, a way no one else had seen you… As I listened to that CD I saw a side of this Sara Jan Bailey that I never thought I would see in a girl…

That night, that Tuesday night I then knew, this was for real…

We went to lunch that day, you paid! I had never been paid for by my date, you surprised me, you impressed me, you started to shine into my life, in a way I never thought imaginable… You came back later that day after your movie…

We kissed, we connected… We started moving a speed set by God; at a pace we felt we weren’t ready for…

That night we connected, we talked all night and the spirit swelled our conversations as it always would from that moment on…

Wednesday came with no abandon, you met my mother and Billy, you and her became best friends as if you always knew her, I left you kept talking with her, I couldn’t help myself but I started to fall.

This was all so surreal and unreal, that night friendship was what we decided we needed… We knew that our relationship would be founded on a n eternal friendship. I have known you; I see in you a light and an inner beauty to match the Gorgeous figure of a girl I held so dear… This all happened by our third day.

Then the wedding the pictures, Then the new day came, you surprised me at temple square, as I saw you by the temple.. I knew that someday I would be taking you there…

Then at lunch, you said gazing at me, “I am falling in love with you Shaun Michael” as we sat there at

I cut you off. “I am already in love with you” Then we kissed a kiss I won’t ever forget, so sweat and passionate. Then you knew even though your mind couldn’t yet comprehend that this is for real, you’re in love with a man you just met, yet we both knew…

The spirit swells in our conversations, giving us confidence in one another, we know where weaknesses lie are, and we won’t tempt ourselves.

That Friday

Our hearts were touched, we felt a connection, we knew God approved us. You sang to me, you showed me a bit of your heart, I felt my heart come alive as I do now 2 months later…

I took you on our first date to PF Chengs, it was as if the whole night was and restaurant was dedicated to us as every song amazed us with it meaning and message. That night we determined to be official Boy friend and Girl Friend.

that night officially stared the story of Us.

I just wanted you to remember our first week. The Magic that sparked us.

I know you may feel broken at times, or that we might hurt each other, but I feel very passionately that you are the girl I dreamt about those days in the temple, and I knew from that day one that you are special…

I love you, after that first week the spirit manifested to me often that this is from Heaven, and that God wants me to take care of you, please know this. I promised God on my occasions that I will take care of you when the temporal things fall into place.

After that first week together we built a strong friendship, one I hope and pray will last the eternities with you by my side. I will take you to the Temple my love… Only if you let me. Here I am.


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