
Showing posts from November, 2020

A helping hand..

An open hand, in a time of need. I wont let you drown, even when you try. We have it in us to be great. The meaning of an epic journey, The heart of a thousand words, The heart of a grand symphony. No, I wont let you drown. It's been one hell of go huh? Pain, heartbreak, earthly ailments, loss with many of tears. Just know: You're not a lone here, You have people around you. And if you happen to be alone, There's people all over the world who's felt what you are now, that makes you a legion. I wont sit around an let you drown. Life is to short, Remember you last favorite memory, Imagine it, relieve it. Now picture this: Something 1000x's the joy, a million times happiness.  That is what you have yet to experience. When you feel like you're drowning, Take a walk. Run for no reason, stop and catch your breath. Find your happy place, a place no one can infiltrate. Find it, hold it bask in it's peace. No, I wont let you drown, I wont let you keep yourself down. ...

Hey Baby.

A walk in the cold, The walk to your door. A dream, a moment. A cold winters day, The leaves are gone, The grass, already hibernating till next year. The day is cloudy and cold, wet and dreary. Why are we alone? Why are you alone? It's been a hard year, a time where being alone hurts when it rarely did. Walking outside, there's a bitter wind. People walk on by, heads down, mask on. God forbid you say hello.. Someday, Somewhere.. Nobody else see's, the silent pain, your silent pain. Why am I still out here? Alone and cold, Broken, yet mended? The day's turn into weeks, The first snow's hit. Why am I still here? Cold and alone? Hey baby, where were you back there? You said this was meant to be. You said you've found your new home. Why are you alone? Why are we alone? Walking alone, one never knows what is passed the surface, First glances don't always answer the answers, or question the questions.. Wait.. Most of the time I'm just naked and afraid inside, ...