Lost in the World.
Today was great, yesterday was fine. Wait, what am I saying, the day's are always great. Grey as they seem to be, except for those occasions, When that little light come to the door, and the color returns. You see? I'm alive.. I don't have to look over my shoulder anymore, I have my own voice, My own perspective, my own say. I don't feel the victim anymore, Just that I went through something, Something black, Something dark. Something harsh, Something when pain became a numbness, Where numbness became the norm, and all else paled by comparison. I'm healthy, as a healthy one without Ms Corona, can be. Mentally I feel fine, yeah.. just fine. I have some bad days, though mostly good days. Good meaning, My brain isn't on some whacked out fuck fest. Where the walls feel like they're collapsing on me, and I am suffocating. No, those day's are few and far between now, so that's the good I'm referring to. I still bel...