
Showing posts from February, 2020

Mountains Beyond Mountains

A journey so far, A journey to you. A trip away, away from it all. It started this way, An easy way to forget, An easy way to let go.. The trip. From coast to coast we went, From the Sunny Side to the Big Apple, A trip away, away, away to a new plane.  A time to let go, A time to know, That you only live, but once.. but once. A journey away, A journey to discover.. Little did you know, oh how little you knew. That she would be, Oh how she would be... Away, yet not far. This journey began, and she, you found. And if you get carried away, let the music carry you through, The pain, that pain.. So tell the ones you love, That you love them, and let that music play. The journey away, oh that journey to discover, Oh you discovered.. That part of you, That part, that is apart of her. That part, that you, didn't know you had... Oh how little did you know, How little you knew... So let that music...

Color me Shady

Color me Shady as there's no approximation to the color of life. You choose where you go, and what you want. So let me help to start your day with this little Rhyme, and always remember that the only true limitations of life, start and end in your mind... Now take a tad of joy, a bit of love, with a pinch of happiness and let it be the "blend" you start your day with. Sometimes you may need the reminder that indeed You are a bright spot on a sunny day, The cool breeze on a warm summers day, The best part of an already great day. It's not easy being you, but being you is what you do best. So when you fall, remember this: No climb is too steep, No trial is so great, No pain too heavy, that you can pick yourself back up and try again. So if you feel alone... Remember this: You're never truly alone, as there's others that feel as you do, Others have fallen as you have, and as lost as you may be. Reach out, Try, take that step for...

A familiar Enemy

A head full of doubt, A darkness full of light, Seeing a little, when seeing nothing. Heaven and hell, the contrast between, the comparisons of... How can this feel so great, yet be so wrong. Lost in the clarity, remembering to forget.. Life doesn't make sense, and myself? Well I'm a walking contradiction, equated my none. I once thought I could handle anything, now I know I can break.. How one so strong, became so weak, so brittle, to fall, to break... to rise again, to stand supreme, to become, a better version of you. I once thought I knew so much, yet how little I knew. A work in progress, or to progress towards nothing? A lost way, became a discovered passion. The silver lining in all, A glass half empty to become full. Take little, Make it more. As much as life want's you to quit, Never give up, never give in, or at least make it worth it. Let the experience of it all mean something, Try something new, Break the ru...