A Modern Twist.
A man of passion they say, A figment of imagination to most. A figure of outstanding grace, A lost soul who needs saving, A mirage of values, Yet to far gone to know his head from his ass. He walks through life, Admired by many, disgusted by some, Loved by a few. Intrigued by love, but not in love. Intrigue by light, Yet stands in darkness. The assumptive glance, or the calculated measure. Sick of the conclusions, Sick of the game. Tired of miscalculations, okay with the inevitable. Stop assuming, You assumptive ass. Just because I love the concept of love, Hell I write about it, Doesn't mean I'm in love. Addressing the questions, avoiding the answers. Facing the criticism, expecting the reality. Twisted by the ways of the world, Twisted by life, Tainted by Grace, A Tainted hope. With an Attained measure of it all. A man of passion, A figment of virtue, and Brushed with the lust of living. I was raised with conservative values, I ...