
Showing posts from November, 2011

Breakable Glass

Can I ask you a question? Do you always give up? The breakable glass will eventually break, Glass served a purpose, to be see through-able. Clear to the next stage in life. It never lasted. The rock thrown - shatters. That is the reality. The fragility of the Reality I once knew, became a lost hope, As it became apparent, you were meant to break, like glass, clean and clear. Now the Clarity I find, is compared to walking on water. I fell in once or twice, like Peter of old. The Faith held - was lost. Building back up, piece by piece, shard by shard, cuts on top of cuts, but now?? I'm happy, relieved, and oh so relaxed. Vindicated is a good word. "Free from guilt" and in love with the now. Letting life blossom, and grow into this life - after the the breakable glass.. Broke.


Directions It's in front of us, The way, the direction.. We may know where to go, But not how to to make it.. The directions, The path may be vague. But the destination is clear. Knowing the beginning, From the end. Or the end from the beginning. Not knowing how to, But believing that you can. How to get there, will be shown to those - Who stay close to the way. Staying close to the doctrines, And close to the light. Being strong through the mists, Stand out in the grey. Don't lose yourself, Even if you lose your way. Stick with what you know at first, Then take a chance to grow. First make small chances - then have faith in your decisions. Grow and learn, Listen to your heart, For it won't let you down. Those of us who are aware - Know that those impressions, Aren't from you, They stem from on high. Small reminders, That throughout the trails of life, You're not alone. You came from a great place - From parents from an eternal state. And - They love you. The direct...

Racing minds.

Like a man on fire- my mind burns. There's little devils keeping me up, While my body screams sleep! I'm restless - to much to do. So little time. I'll learn to sleep. Eventually my body will give in. I think of tomorrow - Hope that some day I will get to rest. Grateful for the time I've had - For I've given it my all. Magic is happening. Wonders - to behold. Experiences - made only for me. Someday God will bless me, The same as so many has. For someday the day will come. But for now I'm here - Carving a future. My weary mind - Wanders and stirres. As a man - I will do. I will Prepare for them. As I've prepared for her. I'll live to fight. Fight to grow - Grow to become. For the person I am. Is dedicated to grow. To be better - and to grow. Someday she will come.. As someday I will know... Someday as I think - the world will stop. The world will be mine - for it is what I make it. Every day this weary mind prepares. And strives to make it. I will go. For...