
Showing posts from June, 2010

From the Inside

"It looks better from in here" I dared to say One would have thought a life worth living, would be easy enough. A Path you thought would make sense the minute you started, twists and turns like the others. One thought that people around you were real and someone worth while. Well The one is, every minute of every day I fall more and more for her, yet other(s) fake and full of malicious intents. Mask's of Gold torn off with fiery under tones. Its a sad day when you thought one person, someone completely different. Then with a blink of an eye attacks you to the person you love. But at the end of the day you can move forward, having been hit all the more clearly with your weaknesses, with a humble heart ready and set to change and to grow. With this you are Better aware that certain people can not be trusted; while some (the one) is worth fighting for, while the others are better off to be cut out... Most are the liars with the jealous under scores, set on bringing you down ...

A Lesson I am learning

Watch what you do, consequences comes from mistakes. You can't run from what you've done. If you fall you will will bruise your knee. If You run into a sharp blade you will get stabbed. Either way you can not get around your mistakes. You must fess up to them and choke them at the root so you can get ahead. Life wont let you forget until you correct. My frugal attempts around important commandments has gotten me down all to many times. Time to be a man and move forward. Time to stand up and quite running from my fears and time to find a healthy balance that will even me out. I am sick of unhealthy habits. I am sick of obsessing. I am sick of my weaknesses. I must make it through. I must find a way to change. I must not let the sin of my fathers take control of who I want to become. I must continue to build who I am from the foundation I have set in Christ. I can do this. Luckily I am not alone. Luckily I am loved and adored. So here it goes. Moving forward, Never looking back....

When All You Have is On The Line

This is me, let it show. When your life has been laid out before you. When your hopes are in reach. I wont settle, this is me. Second place is not my dream Yet conquering my dreams is the place for me. Let it be know, that I wont stop. Let it be known, I know what I want. I wont settle, this is me Shoot for the heavens, then get the world. This was meant to be, We deserve it. God has shown me a glimpse of the Heavens, The world is small. this is me, let it be known. my heart is set. 2nd is a poor excuse. My vision has been set, It is happening. I hope, I plan. I know I've seen. Every second of everyday. I get closer. I see it now, I could be happier, for this hasn't been harder. Life is what it is. But what I can make of it. I will. I will take you with me. I set. This is me, take it or leave it.