Raise up your Sword and Shield
When did the bad outweigh the good? When did hope flee the everlasting night? When did strength, bow to weakness? When did my heart fade to emptiness? How did faith suddenly become hard to grasp? Darkness came, The light fled in it's wake. The long night filled your day, and you couldn't escape it. The void of nothing, Become full of bleakness and senselessness. Suddenly you forgot why you were here to begin with, suddenly nothing made sense anymore... How do you.. What was it? Will it ever? Far too long you were... Like wondering through an arctic wasteland, void of water, shrouded in darkness, perpetually cold.. Suddenly, it hit you. As a jolt of lightning, It came upon you.. The light to your senses. Suddenly you remembered again. The flittering thought of, Even through your cluttered senses, you remembered... Hope. You had it once. Faith. In yourself, in something. Strength. Once you were defined by it. Love. Used to define your pur...